Am 2. Juli beginnt in Istanbul-Silivri das Verfahren gegen den Verleger und Menschenrechtler Ragip Zarakolu sowie Prof. E. Ersanli und zahlreiche weitere Angeklagte (darunter auch R. Zarakolus Sohn Deniz), die im Oktober 2011 wegen angeblicher „Mitgliedschaft in einer bewaffneten terroristischen Organisation“ verhaftet und angeklagt worden waren. Obwohl zwischenzeitlich aus der Untersuchungshaft entlassen, drohen R. Zarakolu eine Haftstrafe von 7,5 bis 15 Jahren und Frau Ersanli sogar 15-22 Jahre!
Wir veröffentlichen nachfolgend die Presseerklärung unseres Menschenrechtskollegen, die er heute als Präsident des Komitees für Pressefreiheit des türkischen Schriftstellerverbandes veröffentlicht hat, und hoffen auf zahlreichen und prominenten Besuch der morgigen Pressekonferenz des Verbandes sowie der Gerichtsverhandlung!
Freedom of Thought, Expression and Publication under serious threat
Monday 2nd July 2012 at 16.00, TGC Headquarters Cağaloğlu
In its annual report seven years ago, the Writers Union of Turkey Freedom to Publish Committee made the following prediction: “The newly proposed Anti -Terror Law (ATL) contains very grave provisions that may put the freedom of thought, expression and the press, as well as the freedom to publish under threat”.
And only a year later we were saying:
“Undoubtedly one of the most unfortunate developments of 2006 has been the revocation of certain positive changes that had been made to the ATL in the face of earnest warnings expressed by writers, journalists and publishers. In fact, these changes have the potential to create a far worse situation than that which used to exist. We would like to hope that the judiciary would embrace a more independent and free decision-making process that would allow freedom of expression to flourish. However, it’s abundantly clear that from a perspective of freedom of thought and publication: that the intention of the government and legislative branch is inadequate, as are the changes that they have enacted; that the changes made allow for contrary decisions based on conjecture; that a major shift in perspective is required in regard to fundamental rights and freedoms.
Sadly, after last year’s supposedly ‘reforming’ constitutional amendments, not only have areas of freedom of thought and expression been relentlessly subjected to attack, such basic rights as the right to assembly and association have also faced similar issues. The irreverent invasion of privacy has come to be perceived as the norm. The elected representatives of the people, occupational associations and non-governmental organisations have also become targets.
It’s as if the ghost of 1950s McCarthyism has been resurrected. It’s the atmosphere of a State of Emergency;1 it’s de facto martial rule.2
The ATL is no longer a piece of legislation which deals with ‘terrorism’; it has instead become a law which censors, a law which disregards fundamental rights and freedoms. As for the Special Authority Courts (SAC), they have turned into the Independence Courts, Supreme Court of Justice, Martial Law Courts of the past. The ATL, is like a cancer, spreading the erosion and destruction of our country. It is a sad fact that our country is steadily becoming the country with the most political prisoners in the world. That prison-building has been one of the most active areas for our construction industry is a painful fact. The issue here isn’t about improving prison conditions, as raised by the discussions surrounding the recent Diyarbakir tragedy, but creating the conditions for a Turkey with less prisons. Turkey does not need to create new Gulags, but to bring to life the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. If those who are in power are afraid of the formation of Tahrir Squares, we can only say to them: ‘fear is of no use to [the angel of] Death’ and that ‘every being is mortal’.
Serious breaches of freedom of thought/expression and fundamental rights in Turkey have been a cause of great concern internationally. For these reasons, we will be holding a press meeting on Monday 2nd July 2012 at 16.00 at the TGC headquarters in Cağaloğlu. Representatives of international writers, publishers, press and human rights organisations that have come to Turkey to observe and support the KCK trials will also be in attendance.
Ragip Zarakolu
President, Writers Union of Turkey Freedom to Publish Committee
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