Als vierte Region Spaniens hat nun auch Navarra den Genozid an den Armeniern anerkannt. Das an Frankreich angrenzende Gebiet besitzt etwa die flächenmäßige Ausdehnung Zyperns (10.391 km2) und eine Bevölkerung von annähernd 650.000 Einwohnern. Die drei anderen „anerkennenden“ Regionen sind das Baskenland, Katalanien sowie die Balearischen Inseln.


Brussels, 24 June 2014

Parliament of Spanish autonomous community of Navarre recognises Armenian Genocide

As a result of several study visits organised by European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA, to Armenia and NK with different parliamentarians, the Parliament of Navarre has adopted yesterday (23 June 2014) a declaration recognising the Armenian Genocide.

The declaration, adopted by the unicameral Parliament on 23 June 2014, reads that “in accordance with the resolution of the European Parliament of June 1987, reaffirmed by subsequent resolutions (February 28, 2002 and April 1, 2004), the events suffered by the Armenian people are an authentic genocide”.

“As we are nearing the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, such declarations clearly show European solidarity with Armenian people and their suffering” comments EuFoA Director Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa. “EuFoA is proud that thanks to its extensive network, more and more key European stakeholders are aware of the importance of this issue”, he added.

The declaration denounces the policy developed by the Turkish regime existing at that time and calls on Turkey “to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia in spirit of good and harmonious neighbourhood, and to resolve their border dispute peacefully.” In addition the text underlines that given Turkey’s status as candidate for EU membership, those two issues (the recognition of the Genocide and the normalisation of diplomatic relations) should be urgently addressed.

Navarre is a Spanish autonomous region in the north, bordering France, roughly the size of Cyprus (10,391 km2) and populated by around 650,000 inhabitants (equivalent of Montenegro). It is the fourth region in Spain that has recognised the Armenian Genocide, after the Basque Country, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.

To read the declaration in full, please follow this link: