Dear friends,
The featured URL is the official website of “MENQ” Union for agricultural cooperation. “MENK” operates in the Kashatagh region of the Republic of Karabagh and other liberated territories.
The page illustrates the different projects of the union: cattle-breeding as well as apiculture. Anyone can take part in these projects by being either an investor or a sponsor. The main goal of these chain-reaction developing projects is the repopulating of the liberated territories and the financial self-sustainability of the newly settled inhabitants.
We guarantee the sincere devotion, the total dedication, the honesty (bargueshdoutioun) and the scrupulousness (parekhghdjoutioun) of the members of the union, as well as their expertise and experience in both repopulating and settling projects and development projects in the liberated territories.
We call upon you all to support the projects of the Union and to share this information with all your friends.
Best regards,
Public Initiative for the defense of the liberated territories.
Our address:
Yerevan, Abovian 32/18, Tel. 01-56-85-63